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The "Good" of Good Friday at GSM


At Good Samaritan Ministries, Good Friday, (the Friday before the Christian celebration of Easter Sunday) has a significant place in our ministry. Early in the ministry's founding, our founder Bettie Mitchell started hosting a Good Friday lunch at her home. From then on, it became the event that marked the end of our year at the hour of 12:00 and the beginning of our new year at 3:00pm. The hours in between we dedicate to putting our hearts and minds in line with Christ's sacrifice. These are the hours of the crucifixion. That holy call of Christ resounds in these hours that " If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." (Matt 16:24). This call of self-denial and carrying our cross is the call to give up our lives for the healing of the world, as Christ himself did. It is the call we respond to in our ministry when we say "Go and do likewise" from the Samaritan story (Luke 10:25)

Remembering this call, is what resets our hearts and attunes us to hearing God's will. That is why we hold these hours in sacred reverence. We gather to let go of any pain and hurt from the year before us and press forward into the year ahead with hope.

We ask all Samaritans around the world to celebrate these hours with us in whatever way they feel called. If you leave near Portland, please consider coming to our Good Friday Luncheon. This (2024) year it is held at the Canyon Commons building at George Fox University on March 29th. Join us at 12:00pm for a catered lunch and time of worship, reflection, communion and prayer.

To register:



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